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Fiji 2012
We decided to add a couple of extra dive days on this trip being we were traveling so far. The plane ride from LA to FIJI was along flight but being we left LA at 11:30 Pacific time I adjusted to the time change better than on my previous trips to the South Pacific. They had some bad weather about 5 days before we arrived and the airport had been shut down for a couple of days because of flooding. As we were traveling to the other end of the island we could see how the rivers had been flooded and were receding. The only day we did not have rain was the day we arrived making it tough to work on a tan. Those on the trip were Kevin & Judy Haroldson, Rick & Liz Schmidt, Chuck & Elaine Blixt, Ed & Carmen Koestler, Tom Judy Justin & Tyler Erickson, and Seal. Some of the interesting land creatures we saw were huge toads and fruit bats that were the size of a grouse. There was a lot of culture activities for us to partake in when were not diving including a trip to a school, fire walkers, and a trip to a village.
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Justin - diving pictures
Justin - diving pictures
Rick - land pictures
Rick - land pictures
Rick - video frames
Rick - video frames
Tom - diving pictures
Tom - diving pictures